Monday, August 22, 2011

Slugs and garden stuff

We have a problem in our garden:

Snails like to come and eat our tomatoes. I didn't even really know they had mouths...but whatever. This is photographic evidence that they do in fact eat our tomatoes. While my mom was here a couple weeks ago, we went out in the garden one morning to go on a snail hunt. We must have found over one hundred snails in our garden and right near by. It was crazy. Every day we would go out bright and early and we would find at least 20 but more like 50 or 60 a day. Now we find about 10 to 20 when we go out (we go out every other day or so). The kids are really good at helping me find them.

Occasionally we find a slug or two. These things are nasty. I have to use a spoon to pick them up because they are so gross. Even typing about them right now is giving me the goose bumps. Ew. So the last time I was out I took some pictures. We happened to find two on this particular day.

This picture doesn't do it justice. It was longer than my pointer finger. So gross.

When you try to move them, they get all short and fat. Bleh.

And this is why it is hard to spot them. They blend in with our nice weed collection we have going. This one was trying to make its way to a hideout, but I got it just in time.

Anyway, our garden is doing well...we have picked tons of tomatoes, a few bell peppers, a few really bitter cucumbers, and lots of green beans.


Marissa said...

Dude, those slugs are sick! I've never seen any that big!

lindsy said...

Oh man! Our neighbor gave us some slug bait last year (looks like tiny blue pellets). Ben would sprinkle it around the plants and it seemed to help. You're brave to try to pick them up and get rid of them. Ew. Yuck :)

Carrie Selin said...

You have underestimated our snail hunt counts - for sure. But either way it is gross and I wonder if you will ever get rid of them!