Wednesday, September 24, 2014


 Sleep is like gold around here these days.  We aren't getting a ton of it because of our precious little baby (and other kids...), but it is well worth it.  But sometimes, I wish I could sleep as soundly as my kids.  They can sleep anywhere in any position it seems. 

 One night I went in to check on Emery...I couldn't find her in her bed because it was so dark, and then I finally found her here.  I have also recently found her laying perpendicular across the hall in the middle of the night and on the floor of our bedroom.  It is a miracle she hasn't been stepped on yet.  

 This was after a walk one day.  Cute.

 This is how I found Sadie one night.  How can that be comfortable?!?!

Even though we are pretty tired around here...these guys are totally worth the sleep deprivation!

Just look at these guys!  Lets get a close up of the little one shall we...

Ha ha.  She is so loved around here.  Such a cutie!