Thursday, December 17, 2015

Emery's 4th birthday!

 Someone in our house turned 4!  Her birthday was December 1st, but we celebrated a few days early because Rob was going out of town the day before her birthday and would be gone that whole week.  so we treated November 29th as her birthday this year.  :)  

Emery is such a sweet, spunky, talented, smart, loving little girl.  She keeps me on my toes.  She makes me laugh daily.  She loves helping Riley when she is crying.  And she is so creative.  Sometimes she will be playing by herself for a long time and I will peek in on her and notice that she has been playing with just 2 toothbrushes for the last 30 minutes.  I love her imagination and wish I had an imagination like hers!

This is an excerpt from my instagram account.  This is an example of how she is creative and how she keeps us laughing.

"This morning at the grocery store Emery asked me why a guy had a chicken bum. I didn't know what she was taking about because I didn't see anyone with a "chicken bum". But I told her that everyone is different and that is what makes the world so great. Then later, I saw a guy who worked there and he had a feather duster sticking out of the back of his pants. Emery pointed and yelled "there he is! " Zac and emery were laughing the rest of the time we were there. And so was I."

 She got a vanilla cake with chocolate frosting and sprinkles.  

 I love these crazy kids!

I forgot to take pictures of her opening her gifts, but one of her favorites was a bug catching kit that grandma Selin got for her.  The kids wanted to immediately go outside and catch bugs to put in it, but I told them they probably wouldn't find any since it was so cold outside.  But they went out anyway and came in with this:

Ha ha.  They found a dead fly to keep in there.  I threw it away after a day or two, but I was impressed that they found it outside.  So funny.  Can't wait to see the creepy things they find in the spring!

Happy birthday Emery!  We love you!

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