Saturday, December 26, 2015

Life around our house

I had moved the baby swing to my sewing room and one day I went downstairs to find this.  Riley just hanging out in it while Emery and Sadie took care of her.  She didn't want to come out for a good 20 minutes.  :)

The kids and I copied my sister in law and her Humpty Dumpty activity.  They built a big wall out of duplos and then we took and egg and let it fall off of the wall and crack.  It was so fun.

All of the kids got sick one week, hence the throw up bowl...but here they were building a tower out of bean bags and balls.  Emery and Zac were the best of friends that day.  It's not always that way.  

One day I found Emery hanging out in the middle of the lego table playing with legos.  Ha ha. 

This must have been a Saturday.  I came out to the living room and found all five of them with a book in their face.  And yes...Sadie reads in that position a lot.  ha ha

Riley likes to scavenge after the kids have breakfast.  She eats her own breakfast of course, but if one of them doesn't clear their bowl, she is right there to finish their leftovers.  :)

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