Thursday, March 19, 2020

Corona Virus, Social Distancing, and homeschooling...oh yeah, and an EARTHQUAKE!

 We have had a lot of change recently.  The Corona virus (Covid-19) that originated in China has spread throughout the world at a very fast pace.  There have been a lot of deaths from it and right now in Italy, they are on quarantine.  It made it's way to the United States and now it is spreading here too.  So President Trump and the Governor of Utah suggested we all practice "social distancing".  I think that means to try to avoid large crowds, they said to not have gatherings of more than 10 people, and to wash your hands a hundred times a day. 

Then, they started closing the schools and work places to further hinder the spread of the virus.  It is so bazaar.  So we went from normal to not so normal really fast.  The teachers at the kid's school have been working hard to get content online so they can stay caught up for the two weeks they will be schooling from home. (I think it will probably end up being longer than that!  I'm wondering if it will go through the end of the year!)  They have been amazing.  So the kids had Friday the 13th off of school because they had parent teacher conferences on Thursday.  But that was the first official day of social distancing.  So no playing with friends. Rob worked from home because he had a cough.  Then people started buying up all the toilet paper and water bottles at Costco.  There were lines to the back of the store.  Actually, people started buying the toilet paper before that because I went to Costco with my friend on Wednesday morning to get some things that were in their coupon book, and they were already out of toilet paper.  I'm so glad we went then because the next day was when the Costco lines were so crazy.  But we were running low on toilet paper because I had decided not to get some the last time I went to Costco to stay within the grocery budget that month.  Big Mistake.  ha ha.  I don't know why everyone is buying up all the toilet paper. 

So Wednesday was the first day we were supposed to officially start homeschooling.  That morning Rob got up with the kids. I stayed in bed, but I was awake reading about the Corona virus on my phone probably.  Then a little after 7 I started to feel our room shake.  It took me a few seconds to figure out that it was an earthquake.  It didn't stop so I ran out to the living room where everyone was and saw them huddled under the table.  Apparently they had been eating breakfast at the time and Rob was over on the couch.  They felt the earthquake and Rob called them all over to him, but Sadie grabbed Finley and got under the table.  Then Rob said "yeah that's a better idea!  Get under the table!"  ha ha.  Thank goodness for Sadie.  That's about when I got out there.  I huddled under the table for a few seconds and the shaking stopped but then our whole house started swaying like it was riding the waves of the ocean.  Such a crazy experience!  Then for the rest of the day, we were all on high alert.  Every time we felt a rumble or heard a loud car we would brace for another earthquake.  There were 3 or 4 aftershocks that we felt.  I think I felt one this morning even.  But the kids didn't sleep well last night because they were terrified of another earthquake.  The three older girls slept together on Riley's bed and Zac slept on the top bunk. Finley walked around all day saying "scary" and pointing to the hanging light above the table. I think it's because it was swaying for a while after the earthquake and so she thinks that was what caused it.  :)  It was a crazy morning. 

Then after that we were supposed to get our kids all working on their school work.  Yeah right!  ha ha.  We actually were able to get them going on it.  We are still getting the hang of it.  I'm just so grateful for their awesome teachers and school. 

Everything has been cancelled.  Zac had a chess tournament that he was supposed to go to on Saturday the 14th, but he had to miss it because it was cancelled.  Church is now happening at home to help slow the spread of the virus.  How neat that President Nelson had Come Follow Me in place before this happened.  We didn't even skip a beat with church because we were able to just use our manual at home and have a discussion with our kids for the lesson.  I was really glad all the kids were out of school for the earthquake too because I can't imagine sending them to school after that.  I'm just seeing God's hand in all of this.  It really is amazing.  You can look at it an see all the bad, but you can also see the good. 

We got a new game on the Nintendo Switch called Mario Party.  We had enjoyed playing it together.  Then Zac made his own version that we played in the basement.  It was pretty fun!  It took him a while to put together too.  

 After we had "church" Zac decided to be the M&M guy. It was hilarious.  There is a man in our ward who sits out in the foyer and has a little spoon that holds 4 M&Ms in it.  The kids all get in a line and he scoops up 4 M&Ms and gives them to each kid.  If you look at Finley's hands in the picture above, she is showing the proper technique that he teaches the kids to catch the m&ms.  Zac used a much larger spoon, but I thought it was so funny that he thought of doing that.  

 The kids made a huge fort while we were out on a date.  They always text us and say they have a surprise for us.  I have stopped hoping that it will be that they cleaned up for us.  It's almost always a big mess...I mean fort that they've built.  Ha ha.  But we let them leave it up overnight and the next day I caught Riley reading to Finley in it.  

 Zac has had a lot of time to build things.  The legos on the ground next to him are a marble maze that he built, and the tower is made out of Quarkle tiles.  

 The finished pyramid.  Which fell right after I took this.  

 I put this tape on my face to make the kids laugh.  When they finally noticed they didn't laugh.  They just asked me what I was doing.  Haha  Fail!

 Emery made this leprechaun out of Duplos on St. Patrick's Day.

 My friend Robyn invited us to go to her family's Green party for St. Patrick's day.  We didn't end up going because of the whole social distancing thing, but Robyn was so nice and brought us a chocolate pudding pie that she had made for the party.  (it was pi day)  It was so yummy.

 Trying to get outside, but the weather isn't cooperating very well...

 The kids have gotten along pretty well so far.  Lots of Legos, games, music, dodgeball, and 4 square are going on at our house the past week or so.

 We actually got an official 4 square ball because we lost this blue on in a wind storm with thing.  Who knows where the wind blew it.  Serves us right for leaving it outside!

 Finley and Riley.  Cuties!

Zac started learning to play the guitar.  So did Sadie.  So we got another guitar.  

Phew!  That was a long post.  But we are hanging in there.  We are looking to the future with faith in Christ.  We are so glad for our testimony of the Savior.  He is our Rock, especially during times of uncertainty.  

1 comment:

Carrie Selin said...

The M&M man! He's a legend!