Friday, March 20, 2020

Visit from Uncle Scott and Aunt Christi

 A month or so ago, my brother Scott and his wife Christie came up for a visit.  It was great to have them with us for a few days, although my kids were sad that they didn't have their kids with them!  She is pregnant with a baby boy due in April.  The kids just love any visitors but especially uncle Scott. 

They loved watching him play Zelda- Breath of the Wild and felt pretty important giving him pointers and tips since they had been playing the game longer than him.

 We went to a volleyball game with them one night down at BYU.  We really should bring our kids down there more often.  It was fun showing the kids the place we met and the BYU bookstore and other things from our college days.  Here they are with Cosmo in the Bookstore.

 You have to look really close, but you can see the Y on the mountain in the background.  It really blends in with the snow.

 At the game.  BYU won easily.  We also randomly saw my cousin and her husband (who live in California) in the crowded gym and ran over to say hello.  I told Rob we should go to more BYU sporting events.  It was a blast!

 We visited my grandparents on Sunday afternoon.  They are always fun to visit.  I'm glad I got a few visits in with them before the Covid-19 hit.  Now I would be nervous to visit them anytime soon.  I wouldn't want to pass along any germs we didn't know we had.  

Scott and Christi took the kids and I out to FIZZ drinks before they headed home.  The kids thought that was pretty great.  Thank you!

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