Monday, March 2, 2020

I had an idea...

 A month or so ago, we were reading the Book of Mormon.  We were reading about how Nephi was commanded to build a boat.  I was really struck with the enormity of the task this time as I read it.  I mean, he had to find the wood, cut it to size and put it together in a way that would float and carry people across a body of water.  Oh yeah... and first he had to MAKE HIS TOOLS!  So I had the idea to invite the kids to make dinner with me one night.  We would make spaghetti, but we would have to first MAKE the noodles and then eat them.  I related it to the story of Nephi and the kids weren't super excited about it at first, but as we got going they got more into it.

I borrowed a pasta machine and we made pasta for the first time.  I printed out instructions and told the kids it was like when Nephi had a question, he had to rely on Heavenly Father to provide the instructions.  He didn't have the convenience of having a printed version.  But we did. 

The noodles turned out yummy and I'm hoping the lesson stuck with the kids. 

 We needed everyone's help as the noodles got longer and longer.  

 I think next time I will use smaller pieces of dough.  ha ha.

Isn't this an amazing sight?? The kids helped with making the salad while the noodles cooked.  

Overall it was a yummy dinner.  And my kids are excellent dinner helpers.  

1 comment:

lindsy said...

That's awesome! I bet they do remember it every time they eat spaghetti!