Sunday, March 8, 2020

Piano recital for Grandma and Grandpa Selin (of the great variety)

When the church came out with the new youth programs, I had the idea that the kids could plan and perform in a piano recital for my grandparents who live in Syracuse as one of their goals. (I actually had seen my sister in law post on their instagram that they had done a Christmas recital as a family and I loved it so much so I had been waiting to use the idea!)  The kids all chose some songs (and other random talents) they could share.  I also told them it might be good to do something that is more out of their comfort zone so we all decided that they could sing a song while I accompanied on the piano.  (This also pushed me out of my comfort zone a bit!) 

The kids made a program and printed it out so grandma and grandpa could follow along and see what it was they were playing/singing/doing.  We also brought lunch and dessert.  There always has to be dessert after a piano recital right!?!  The kids did a great job.  And we really enjoyed our time with my grandparents.  They shared a few stories from their life which were fun to listen to. 

Picture as we left.  Thanks Grandma and Grandpa for letting the kids share their talent with you!

Rob's talent was picking up some dog poop we noticed on our way out to the car.  Let's all give it up for Rob for picking up the dog poop!  Ha ha.  Just kidding.  His job was keeping Finley occupied.  He did great at that!

In the car on the way home.  

Finley fell fast asleep with the ear things on.  

We recorded the whole recital.  Here is a link to it on youtube if you want to watch it.  :)

After the recital we ate lunch (two sub sandwiches that I had made and some chips) and then after lunch I had made cookies and an apple pie.  I was pretty proud of myself when my grandpa got up after lunch and said "I think I'll run to the store and get some vanilla ice cream for that pie."  But I informed him we had brought some with us!  He seemed pleasantly surprised by my being so prepared.  Score!!  It feels really good being able to serve some of the people who have served you so much in your life.  I sure love and appreciate my grandparents!

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