Finley had to put on her boxing gloves because Uncle Scott came to visit!
Ha ha...just kidding. But he did come to visit. He had to push his drive back a day because of a volleyball tournament that Macey's team was in (they won!) and it turned out that he had to drive pretty much the entire way in a pretty bad snowstorm. I'm glad they made it safely here.
So the kids did some snowman building. They each made their own so we had 3 full size snowmen in the backyard for a while. Here's Macey and Sadie in front of Sadie's snowman.
Emery with her snowman.
They spent hours outside building these!
Scott brought this game that we call the "100 dollar board game" because that is how much he bought it for on Ebay. It is a pretty fun game.
We kept finding more snowmen pop up in our yard. It was fun.
Zac and Emery and Riley built this cool snow wall.
We played the 100 dollar board game again...this time with Zac.
We hit up Tucanos to use my free meal coupon for my birthday. So yummy.
We went up to Syracuse to visit my grandparents and three of my aunts that were there also. I love visiting my grandparents. They are so kind and patient with me and my kids. If I ask them to tell me a story, they can always come up with something from their past. :) They loved seeing Cade. Here is grandpa after he helped Cade with his shoes.
I love this picture. Every time I visit my grandparents, my grandpa walks us out the front door when we are leaving and he stands there until we are out of sight.
My kids loved having a little toddler around. Everything he did was adorable. Zac was so excited to show him off to his friend Braden. ha ha.

We went to Cabella's one day to ride the Ferris wheel. Unfortunately, he ended up being a bit too short to ride. Scott was pretty disappointed and let the ride operator know. I missed it all because I was riding the ride at the time. But when I came down, the ride operator pulled me aside and asked how many people were in our group. I told him and he gave me a stack of tokens to take everyone in our group to get free ice cream before we left because he felt bad about Cade not being able to ride. Then we started wandering the store and I kept noticing one of the managers near our group. He wasn't following us, but I think he was staying nearby. When we went over to the gun shooting area, Scott was about to put a dollar in the game and the manager guy yelled out "don't put that dollar in!! I'll just turn it on for you guys to play!" ha ha. I think it was his job to keep our group happy after the incident at the Ferris wheel. :) I must say their customer service was excellent. We had a great time.

Zac and Gunner keeping the girls safe from the bear.
Emery and Finley driving the Stomper!
Zac and Cade pretending to play their arcade games.
We decided to do an Easter Egg Bash while they were here. So we got that set up and decorated a bunch of eggs one afternoon. When the kids got home from school, we started the Egg Bash.
Cade just threw his egg. He did NOT want help.
Here is the moment that Cade beat Zac. Ha ha.
Macey with her adorable egg.
Finley vs. Riley.
It's a miracle! Scott won the Easter Egg Bash of 2022! He has NEVER come close to winning. I don't even know if he's even won a single match. But he won it all this time!
I'm pretty sure this was the highlight of his year! ha ha
Cade was just too adorable. We loved having him here!
He LOVED when the girls pulled out their bubble wands.
It was hard to get a clear picture of him because he was always moving, but he was so happy playing bubbles!
Here are some cute videos of Cade.