Sunday, October 31, 2021

Halloween 2021

We had a great Halloween this year.  One of the things that was great about it was that Sadie was so helpful.  She helped get Finley ready and she helped get the other girls ready and she even helped Zac put together a full costume last minute.  What did I even do?!  Ha ha.  I curled Sadie's hair and put some makeup on the girls.  They chose their costumes because we recently Sadie and I recently watched  the movie Miss Congeniality.  :)  

On Friday Sadie starts school at 10 so she got to come with me to the Elementary school Halloween parade.  It was fun to have someone to stand and cheer with me!

Then that night, we had Crys, Alan and Junie over for dinner.  It's always fun hanging out with those guys!  They were drawing chalk in the backyard and I loved their drawings.  Finley drew the girl with a ponytail (herself) jumping on the trampoline.  I'm just so amazed at her creativity!

She said this one was a picture of Belle and Junie started telling me about how when they went to Disneyland, she didn't get to see the "beast" because he was taking a nap.  :)

Finley said these guys were elves.  Look at their pointy ears!  I love it!
The next morning we had our ward Trunk or Treat activity.  It was really fun and I actually got to decorate our trunk this year because I wasn't in charge of the activity!  We got 2nd place.  We lost to a giant white truck decorated like a dalmation.  It was pretty cool looking.  

We went with a Harry Potter theme and had ping pong balls for them to throw through the rings for a quidditch game.  

I literally had to force these boys to take a picture before they ran off to go trick or treating.  

I stayed home and handed out candy, but I got to be in the picture before they headed out!  We were happy that Junie and Crys and Alan came back and joined us for trick or treating.

Finley with her candy at the end of the night.

I left to go to the bathroom and came back to this.  Sorting and trading.  This will go on for days!

I think this is Sadie's pile.  Pretty good!

It's kind of fun to live in Utah where they just change Halloween to Saturday if it lands on a Sunday.  I'm sure we will get a few trick or treaters tonight, but most everybody went last night.

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