Sunday, October 31, 2021

Learning how to braid hair

I figured since I have 4 girls, I should really learn how to braid their hair.  I knew how to do normal braids, but that's about it.  Most of the time I call it a victory if they have their hair brushed for school.  hah!  But I made it a goal to practice and learn how to do some cooler things to their hair.  I've watched some youtube tutorials and I've practiced a bit.  I still have a long way to go, but it's already looking 100 times better!  Here are some of the braids I've done lately.

This is a small section french braided with a ponytail.  Also, real life messes in the background.  :)

Double French braids for Emery.  Her hair is probably the thickest so it's the easiest to hold onto when braiding.  A lot of times I will braid it in the evening and they will sleep in it and wear it to school the next day.

From the front.

Double French braids in Finley's hair.  

I need to work on keeping the bottom pieces tight, but it's getting better.

The first time I tried it, we only got through one braid because I was so slow!  

 So she rocked this hairstyle all day.  She pulled it off well I think!  

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