Sunday, October 31, 2021

Emery's trip to the ER

 Emery had a bad stomachache for three days or so a few weeks ago.  Normally we are the type to just wait it out, but this time since she had no appetite, no throwing up, and it was lasting longer than 3 days we decided to bring her into the urgent care doctor.  It was a Sunday so we couldn't bring her to our normal doctor.  She would be fine for a bit but then she would be crying in pain.  A friend had just had to bring her son to emergency surgery because of his appendix so I was a bit worried about that.  The urgent care doctor was also worried about it so he sent us to the ER in Salt Lake at Primary Children's.  Sigh.  Next time I'll just skip the urgent care and go straight there.  

Anyway, after a few hours, some blood work and an ultrasound, everything looked normal.  Thank goodness.  Although I was kinda hoping for appendicitis because then we could fix it.  But she got an iv of fluids and felt better that night.  She eventually got better over the next few days.  It was weird. 

I must say, I have always had great experiences at Primary Children's hospital.  They are so good with kids.  

Emery, who throws a fit getting her flu shot every year, sat so still for her IV.  A lady came in and explained everything to her and let her play her Ipad while they were putting it in.  I could tell she was a bit nervous, but she didn't put up a fight at all.  She just let them do it.  

Then the brought in a pumpkin for her to paint and a little Halloween sticker craft.  I told Emery it was like a little date night for us.  Ha ha.  A very expensive date night.  

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