Thursday, January 19, 2012


I love that my kids love to read these days. A lot of times when we are downstairs (where we keep most of the books) and I am feeding Emery or busy with something else, I will find the kids in their room reading. It is adorable. I love it. And I love how Sadie is such a good big sister and sends Zac to get more books and reads them to him. I will never get tired of finding my kids like this:

Reading books in the shower.

Reading on Sadie's bed.

This is how we find them a lot when we are having video calls with the grandparents. So if we are talking to you, and the kids aren't there...this is probably what they are doing.

I think it is adorable.

And usually I don't even mind the mess!

Like this one...

And this one. Notice how the bookshelf is half empty. Yeah..the books are scattered all over the house!

1 comment:

Bethany said...

Yes! I can't wait for when Carston can read to Daniel.